Contracted system development, maintenance, site creation, operation, and take over

Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

enacted June 26, 2020

revised August 29, 2022

Fair System Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") aims to pursue the maximum happiness of its customers and employees and contribute to increasing the happiness of society as a whole by fair and share through the services the Company promotes, such as contracted system development, website production services, and system requirement definition and design services. To this end, we recognize the importance of fully recognizing our social mission, protecting the rights of individuals, and complying with laws and regulations regarding personal information, based on our personal information protection philosophy and the code of conduct we have established for ourselves.

In addition, we hereby declare that we will establish a personal information protection management system to realize the following policy and make company-wide efforts for its continuous improvement, always recognizing the latest trends in IT technology, changes in social demands, and changes in the business environment.

  1. We will acquire, use, and provide personal information in an appropriate manner, and will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use. We will also take measures to this end.
  2. We will comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.
  3. In order to prevent the risk of leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will continuously improve our personal information security system by injecting management resources that match the actual conditions of our business in order to prevent such risks through reasonable security measures. In the event of an emergency, we will promptly take corrective measures.
  4. We will respond promptly and sincerely to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. The personal information protection management system will be reviewed and improved on an ongoing basis in a timely and appropriate manner in light of changes in the environment and actual conditions surrounding our company.

Fair System Inc.
Representative Director Yoshiyuki Kurobuchi

【Contact for inquiries regarding personal information protection policy and complaints and consultation regarding personal information】

Shitaya Bldg. 1, 6F, 7-6-11 Ueno, Taito-ku Tokyo, 110-0005 Japan

Fair System Inc. Contact for inquiries regarding personal information Yoshiyuki Kurobuchi


【Publication of Purpose of Use of Personal Information】

Fair System Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") publicly announces that it will use personal information within the scope of the following purposes of use, in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Act).

Purpose of use of personal information

(1)Purpose of use of personal information obtained directly from the person in writing, etc. (including those obtained through a website, e-mail, etc.; hereinafter referred to as "Written Information") Purpose of use of personal information obtained directly from the person in writing, etc. (including through a website, e-mail, etc.; hereinafter referred to as "written information")
  • Customers' personal information is used for services related to system development work and after-sales services. Also, to inform you of new services.
  • Inquiries about our various businesses. In addition, the personal information of the person who makes the request is an inquiry. Also, to answer your request.
  • Personal information of our employees for personnel management, business management, health management, security management, etc.
  • Direct applicant information to the Company for recruitment purposes
(2)Purpose of use of personal information obtained from the person in a manner other than in writing directly from the person
  • Information on applicants from Hello Work and private employment agencies is used for recruitment purposes.
  • Although customers will be able to access personal data on the website for website maintenance, we will not handle such data beyond the scope of our contracted services.

【Dissemination of Matters Concerning Retained Personal Data】

Fair System Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") will make known the following matters concerning retained personal data for which the Company has the authority to disclose, correct, add or delete content, suspend use, erase, and suspend provision to third parties.

1.Name of Personal Information Protection Manager and Affiliation and contact information
Business Name:Fair System Inc. 
Location of our office:Shitaya Bldg. 1, 6F, 7-6-11 Ueno, Taito-ku Tokyo, 110-0005 Japan
Personal Information Protection Manager:Representative Director Yoshiyuki Kurobuchi
Official position:Fair System Inc. Representative Director
2.Purpose of Use of Retained Personal Data
・Customers' personal information is used for services related to system development work and after-sales services. Also, to inform you of new services.
・Inquiries about our various businesses. In addition, the personal information of the person who makes the request is an inquiry. Also, to answer your request.
・Personal information of our employees for personnel management, business management, health management, security management, etc.
・My number of our employees and dependents for the purposes of use specified by law (tax and company insurance)
 2-2.When outsourcing to a third party located in a foreign country (compliance with the revised law - the fact that there is country risk)
・When we entrust or deposit personal data to a third party located in a foreign country, we will investigate the legislation and country risk of the country in which the entity is located, as well as the security management efforts and external certification of the entity, and inform you on this page.
・Direct applicant information to the Company for recruitment purposes
 2-3.We will use this page to inform you when we have inferred your interests based on your purchase history and browsing behavior in our custody, and when we make appropriate suggestions to you. (We do not do this at this time)
3.Measures for the safe management of personal data in possession (Response to the revised law - Overview of safety management initiatives)
We take the following measures for the secure management of personal data in our possession (including some personal data).
・Obtain and maintain Privacy Mark and undergo periodic external audits
・Human security, including employee training, obtaining pledges of nondisclosure obligations, and managing contractors
・Technical security, including anti-virus, communication encryption, file operation logging, and account management
・Physical security, such as locking of rooms and storage facilities and measures to restrict access
・When using foreign cloud computing, etc., research the information security laws and regulations of the country concerned.
4.Contact for complaints regarding handling of retained personal data
Inquiries regarding personal data in our possession are accepted at the following contact point.
Shitaya Bldg. 1, 6F, 7-6-11 Ueno, Taito-ku Tokyo, 110-0005 Japan
Fair System Inc. Contact for inquiries regarding personal information
5.About Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations
Name of authorized personal information protection organization:Japan Information Processing and DEvelopment Center(JIPDEC)
Contact for resolution of complaints:Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Office
Address:Roppongi First Building, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome,Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan
※The above is not a contact point for inquiries regarding our company or our products and services.
 Only complaints regarding the handling of personal information are accepted.


【Procedures for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data】

You can request "notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, and suspension of provision to a third party" (disclosure, etc.) of retained personal data.

We will respond to requests for disclosure of personal information in accordance with the following procedures.

1.Acceptance of Requests for Disclosure, etc.
(1)Please contact us at the address below.
After receiving the "prescribed form" from us, please agree to our "Handling of Personal Information" and send it to the following address by e-mail or mail. (Only the disclosure procedure requiring a handling fee is available by mail)
Shitaya Bldg. 1, 6F, 7-6-11 Ueno, Taito-ku Tokyo, 110-0005 Japan
Fair System Inc. Contact for inquiries regarding personal information
(2)Method of confirming that the person making the Request for Disclosure, etc. is the person in question or his/her agent
  • The identity of the person making the request for disclosure, etc. shall be verified by the person in charge of the Complaints Consultation Service, using documents that verify the identity of the person as specified below.
  • In addition to documents verifying the identity of the person making the request for disclosure, etc., the person in charge of the Complaint Consultation Service shall verify the identity of the representative by documents verifying the relationship between the person subject to disclosure and the representative and documents verifying the identity of the representative, for each voluntary representative and legal representative (guardian of a minor, guardian of an adult, or person with parental authority), as specified below.
  • Documents verifying the identity of the principal and the agent shall be a copy of a certificate issued by a public institution with a photograph as illustrated below.
    • driver's license
    • passport
    • My number card (front side)
    • Residence card or special permanent resident certificate
  • Documents proving the relationship between the subject of disclosure and the agent shall be as follows
    • In the case of a voluntary representative:A letter of attorney stating "I delegate the authority to receive the results of disclosure, etc."
    • Guardianship of a minor:A copy of family register or certificate of registered matters(Within 6 months from the date of issue)
    • Adult Guardianship:certificate of registered matters(Within 6 months from the date of issue)
    • In the case of a custodial parent:Copy of family register or certificate of residence(Within 6 months from the date of issue)
2.Fees for "Requests for Disclosure, etc." and Method of Collection
Only in the case of a request for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use, the following amount (including postage to be charged separately) will be charged per request. Please enclose a postal money order for the following amount when mailing the request form.
・Commission Amount:1,000 yen
3.Notification of review results
The results of our internal review will be communicated without delay by
・For notification of purpose of use or disclosure of personal information, send a letter by mail or an attachment with PW or download link.
・To correct, notify, or delete the content of personal information, or to stop the use, erase, or stop the provision of personal information to third parties, please contact us by phone or e-mail.
The letter should be sent by one of the following methods, whichever is appropriate.
・Mail a response letter to the person's registered address.
・Fax the response to the person's registered fax number.
・Email the response to the person's registered email address.
・Call the person's registered telephone number and answer verbally.
